Swinton Primary is proud to be recognised as a Rights Respecting School. Acknowledging that not everyone has access to nutritious food, they decided to take action.
Their Rights Respecting Group explored how foodbanks can support those in need. Some members visited a local foodbank, where they assisted volunteers and
learned about food storage and organisation. The group shared their newfound knowledge with the wider school community, speaking at assembly, and working with classes to dispel misunderstandings and misconceptions about foodbanks and their users.
Together with one of the teachers, the pupils began constructing a food pantry. The Rights Group wanted to involve the entire school in this endeavour, organising a competition to design a logo and name for the food pantry – and thus, The Swinton Food Spot was born!
They then held a donation day, inviting Swinton families to contribute items to
the foodbank. They were overwhelmed by the generosity displayed. The dedicated Rights Group now works diligently to ensure the pantry remains well-stocked and organised. The Swinton Food Spot is located just outside the main entrance of the school building at 2 Rhindmuir Road, Swinton G69 6AZ, and is accessible to anyone who needs it from Monday to Friday, between 3.15pm and 5.30pm, to take what you require.